This help document will go over basic use information for the Web Outage Viewer application.

All our members count on us to provide continuous, reliable power, but none more than those who rely on life-sustaining electrical equipment. If this is you or someone at your home, you may be eligible for our Medical Necessity Program.
What It Is
Our Medical Necessity Program is a registry of residential service locations where people rely on life-sustaining electrical equipment. When planned outages or service interruptions for nonpayment are scheduled, we will attempt advance notice so preparations can be made.
What It Is Not
Our Medical Necessity Program does not guarantee priority electric service restoration, and locations registered in the program are not exempt from planned service interruptions, nor are registered members exempt from their financial responsibilities or from the termination of service in accordance with NVEC policies.
Who qualifies?
To qualify, the location must house someone diagnosed by a physician with one of the following medical conditions:
Chronic: Having been diagnosed by a physician as requiring an electric-powered device to prevent the impairment of major life function. To maintain chronic designation, members must reapply once a year.
Chronic, lifelong: Same as chronic, but does not require annual application.
Critical care: Having been diagnosed by a physician as requiring an electric-powered device to sustain life. To maintain critical care designation, members must reapply once every two years.
Critical care, lifelong: Same as critical care, but does not require biennial application.
Mail in original note from doctor to:
PO Box 848
Franklin, Tx 77856
What it is
Our Critical Load Program is a registry of nonresidential service locations that can be classified as public safety, industrial, or natural gas infrastructure, and have an approved Critical Load Program application with NVEC. When planned outages or service interruptions for nonpayment are scheduled, we will attempt to provide advance notice so preparations can be made. For unplanned outages, NVEC will prioritize Critical Load Program participants for restoration as much as practicable.
What it is not
Our Critical Load Program sites cannot be guaranteed an uninterrupted, regular, or continuous power supply.
Locations registered in the program are not exempt from planned service interruptions, nor are registered members exempt from their financial responsibilities or the termination of service in accordance with NVEC policies.
Who qualifies?
To be considered, the location must fall into one of the following categories:
- Public safety: A member for whom electric service is considered crucial for the protection or maintenance of public safety, including but not limited to hospitals, police stations, fire stations, and critical water and wastewater facilities.
- Industrial: An industrial member for whom an interruption or suspension of electric service will create a dangerous condition or significant disruption on the member’s premises.
- Natural gas infrastructure: A member that supports natural gas-fired generation, including gas control center or gas compressor plant.
Email for more information.
Conservation Alert
When operating reserves begin to tighten ERCOT encourages conservation and monitors the need for additional generation and voluntary demand response resources.
Energy Emergency Alert Level 1- Power WATCH
CONSERVATION NEEDED- When operating reserves drop below 2,500 MW and are not expected to recover within 30 minutes, grid operators can call on all available power supplies, including power from other grids, if available.
Energy Emergency Alert Level 2- Power WARNING
CONSERVATION CRITICAL- When operating reserves are less than 2,000 MW and are not expected to recover within 30 minutes, ERCOT can reduce demand on the system by interrupting power from large industrial customers who have contractually agreed to have their electricity turned off during an emergency. ERCOT can also use demand response resources that have been procured to address tight operating conditions.
Energy Emergency Alert Level 3- Power EMERGENCY
ROTATING OUTAGES- An EEA Level 3 is declared if operating reserves cannot be maintained above 1,500 MW. If conditions do not improve, continue to deteriorate or operating reserves drop below 1,500 MW and are not expected to recover within 30 minutes, ERCOT will order transmission companies (Brazos) to reduce demand (NVEC) on the system.
What is a Rotating Outage?
Rotating outages are controlled, temporary interruptions of electrical service implemented by utilities to reduce demand and preserve the reliability of the electric system as a whole. Utilities are required to shed load based on their percentage of historic peak demand. Rotating Outages are only used as a last resort to bring operating reserves back up to a safe level and maintain system frequency.
What to do Before, During, and After an Outage
While NVEC strives to provide reliable electric service, it is impossible to prevent all power outages, especially in severe weather. Don’t be caught off-guard. Prepare for the possibility of prolonged power outages before severe weather strikes.
Prepare an outage kit to have on hand before any outages occur. A fully stocked outage kit will be crucial if extended outages occur. Here are some ideas of what a kit can include:
- Battery-powered radio
- Flashlights & fresh batteries
- Emergency supplies of water
- Non-perishable, easily prepared foods
- Drinking water
- Manual, non-electric can & bottle openers
- Candles, matches/lighters
- Portable heater (gas or oil)
- Charger for cell phone or laptop
- Cooler
- Blankets & pillows
- Cash
- Medications & personal hygiene products
- Non-cordless phone
- First-aid kit
- Pet supplies
- Family & emergency contact list
- Hand sanitizer, baby wipes, and toilet paper.
- Books, deck of cards or games
Other ways to be prepared:
- Have an exit plan, if you are unprepared for extended outages you need to have a place to go where you can be safe.
- If you have a telephone system that requires electricity to work, such as a cordless phone, plan to have a standard telephone or cellular phone ready as a backup. It is also a good practice to keep a charging bank in full power to charge cell phones or other devices if needed.
- If you have a fireplace or wood stove, keep kindling and dry firewood on hand.
- When there is impending dangerous weather, fill your bathtub with water if your supply depends on electricity.
- Fill up your vehicles with gas if you need to evacuate or relocate to another area; and if you use a portable generator, fill up fuel cans.
- Fill plastic containers with water and place them in the freezer, you can use them to help keep food cold during a power outage as it thaws out to drink.
- Fill bathtubs or large containers or tubs with water before bad weather for extra water.
- Winterize vehicles, not just automobiles.
- To help prevent burst pipes, close any shut-off valves that lead to outside faucets and drain excess water from the lines. Also, drain lines in unheated areas of your home like the attic.
Pets and Livestock
- Keep extra pet food on hand or in your emergency outage kit.
- Keep plenty of freshwater for your pets.
- For smaller livestock water troughs, you can place floating objects in water to keep them from completely icing over and make removing built-up ice easier.
- For livestock tanks, have equipment and/or tools available to drill or bust holes to allow for watering.
- Before calling the co-op during a power outage, check your home's panel box. A blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker could be at fault.
- If you've determined that the source of the interruption is outside your home, report your outage at once. Outages can be reported:
- By phone at 1-800-443-9462 or text “OUT” to 1-800-443-9462
During an Extended Outage
- We will provide updates whenever possible on our website and Facebook. Please do not use Facebook to report outages.
- Turn off large electric appliances and equipment so that lines are not overloaded when power is restored.
- Use caution and be sure to have adequate ventilation when operating generators, lanterns, heaters, and fuel-fired cook-stoves.
- If you use a generator, have it installed by a certified electrician. Improperly installed generators may feed energy back into the distribution lines, endangering our linemen and others.
- Watch weather reports closely. If the weather is expected to worsen or outages are prolonged, consider staying with friends, family, or in a local shelter.
- If you are safely able, check on elderly relatives, neighbors, and friends to make sure they’re safe, especially if they live alone.
Keeping Cool:
- If it's a hot time of year, dress in loose, lightweight clothing and stay on the coolest, lowest level of your home.
- Use natural ventilation to cool homes and consider purchasing battery-powered fans.
- Drink plenty of water and avoid heavy meals, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol.
- Close all drapes and blinds on the sunny side of your residence.
- Take your family and pets to a basement or other cool location if you have one. Also, consider going to an air-conditioned public place during warmer daytime hours.
Keeping Warm:
- Stay inside, and dress warmly. Staying warm is a priority. Dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight warm clothing. Wear hats, mittens, and scarves.
- Close off unneeded rooms to keep the heat in your living areas.
- Place a draft block at the bottom of doors to minimize cold drafts from entering the house.
- When using an alternative heat source, follow operating instructions, use fire safeguards, and be sure to properly ventilate. Always keep a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher nearby, and know how to use it.
- Keep a close eye on the temperature in your home. Infants and people over the age of 65 are often more susceptible to the cold. You may want to stay with friends or relatives or go to a shelter if you cannot keep your home warm.
- Keep your faucets on a slow drip to keep pipes from freezing. Catch the dripping water in a clean container, sink, or tub. If your pipes freeze, turn off the main water supply to prevent further damage.
- Don’t use your stove or oven for heat. Gas stoves and ovens produce carbon monoxide, and electric ones pose a fire risk when not used as designed.
Maintaining Food:
- Keep refrigerator or freezer doors closed. A freezer that is half full or full can keep food frozen 24 to 48 hours. Foods can stay safe in an unopened refrigerator for up to four hours. If an outage lasts longer than four hours, remove and pack meat, milk, and other dairy products in a cooler with ice.
- Maintain food supplies that do not require refrigeration.
- Use safe alternative food preparations. A barbecue grill is an excellent way to prepare food. Always grill outside.
Stay Away from Downed Power Lines
When outside, stay away from downed power lines and be alert to the possibility that tree limbs or debris may hide an electrical hazard. Treat all downed or hanging power lines as if they are energized. Lines do not have to be arcing or sparking to be live. Warn others to stay away and call 911 or contact us at 1-800-443-9462.
When in Doubt, Throw it Out.
Throw out perishable food in your refrigerator that is above 40 degrees. If food has an unusual color or smell, discard it.